Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Another Book Written By The Heavenly Author

Another Book Written By The Heavenly Author

I was intricately woven upon Your heavenly loom
as You carefully knit me together in my mother’s womb.
In that most secret of places when my conception took place
You prepared me for my birth and entry into the human race.

Before the first moment of my earthly existence began
You had written in Your book my inmost being and life plan.
Each syllable penned with words in calligraphy composed
as each sentence was handwritten and the paragraphs flowed.

From the first chapter of my birth to the last one of my death
each had been lovingly written before I'd taken a breath.
Praise You Lord that I am fearfully and wonderfully made
the handiwork of my Great Creator is in me displayed.

My life is like a book that can be read by everyone
because it tells of Your Grace and the wonders Jesus has done.
For in Your mercy, before the world was made and time began
You had included this poor child in Your great Salvation plan. 
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless ! 
Please remember Mr and Mrs Billy Phillips  in Prayer .