Monday, September 30, 2013

The New Jerusalem

The New Jerusalem

A vision clear is what I see
A holy place,our destiny
The presence of our holy God
Will walk with us on every sod

Magnificent, the holy gate
As I approach from worldly state
The presence off my heavenly King
I sense as I approach and sing

Gold and pearl hit my eye
The doors of heaven my name they cry
This place I enter built for me
My heart has heard the Lamb's decree

The presence of the holy dove
Is dwelling in this air of love
And everyone, they see the throne
We feel the Spirit ,it is our own

Our minds begin to comprehend
The beauty that will never end
This place of infinite reward
My God I see with holy sword

What do we see, these rays of light
Consuming fire that burns so bright
And everyone forever knows
That it won't fade, it always glows

We look to Him and hear a sound
Millions of souls they gather round
The words that flow are so complete
They stir my heart, I hear it beat

Angels in perfect unity
Cry, honour, glory, perfectly
As sounds of rushing waters flow
I see them flying to and fro

And all the children of the Lamb
Just gaze in wonder at "I Am"
Proclaiming Him in all our cries
We see there was no compromise

Exalted, seated, placed on high
The Son of Man will never die
His mighty plan is now complete
Creation worships at His feet 
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
If you want to know what a man's like,
take a good look at how he treats his inferiors,
not his equals.