Monday, August 26, 2013

How is Your Heart ?


Life offers right and wrong things to do
Be very careful on the journey you trod
Pause for just a moment and think…
Is your heart right with God?

It is easy to want our own way
Be lifted from darkness into light
God is watching the path you take
Just be sure your heart is right.

Your heart must be right with God
Keep it tender and always be kind
Let Him guide your life every day
Love is the key to Heaven that will bind.

Things may look right in what you do
But how is it…in God’s eyes?
Be careful to not be deceived
Wrong looks right, but it’s a disguise.

God sees…He hears…He knows
Everything we say and what we do
He will clean our slate every day
If we ask Him in prayer…will you?

Jan Bagwell
God bless

Unless You Let It In
All the water in the world
However hard it tried,
Could never, never sink a ship
Unless it got inside.

All the evil in the world,
the wickedness and sin,
can never sink your soul's fair craft
unless you let it in.

All the hardships of this world,
Might wear you pretty thin,
But they won't hurt you, one least bit...
Unless you let them in.