Thursday, June 27, 2013

" Must tell before I die

Must Tell Before I Die"

This poem's about a message,
I'll write and testify.
It's something I must tell you,
must tell before I die.

A message that's so urgent,
an urge I can't deny.
A message sent from heaven,
must tell before I die.

Poetry sent from heaven,
that praise and glorify.
A mission rhyming words,
must tell before I die.

A strangely Holy mission,
don't think or ask me why.
A mission I must finish,
must tell before I die.

I'll write you Holy poems,
a message from on high.
A message I must say,
must tell before I die.

My Father said to tell you,
words you need to know.
Special gift of poems,
shows He love you so.

Blessed me with His words,
made them fit and rhyme.
Gave them secret power,
to gift to you in time.

Words to help you Judge,
words to help you know.
Words to help you rule,
words to help you grow.

Words to help you conquer,
words to help you gain.
Words to help you win,
words to help you train.

He'll use His Holy words,
let you read and view.
Gently touch your heart,
make them ring as true.

Ring as revelation,
ring as victory sign.
Ring as secret training,
ring as hope divine.

Ring as crucial urgent,
ring as kingdom plan.
Ring as Holy privilege,
ring as His command.

Each poem designed to help,
each poem a puzzle piece.
Each will make you stronger,
your wisdom will increase.

The poems will go inside you,
they'll Bless without delay.
Quickly shake awake you,
wake you from the fray.

Wake you from your coma,
break you from your spell.
Lift you from the dead,
steer you clear of hell.

Open up your eyes,
let you finally see.
Uncover what was hidden,
help to set you free.

Help you overcome,
help you to prepare.
Help you grow as king,
help you grow as heir.

Heir to kingdom come,
heir to crowning day.
Heir to Holy poems,
read along the way.

Poems to Bless your heart,
poems to lift you too.
Poems to give you light,
poems to see you through.

Poems to make you think,
poems to help you climb.
Poems to give you lessons,
poems to teach and rhyme.

They'll teach about His heart,
His kingdom yet to come.
His secret love promise,
your training as His Son.

The citizens of your kingdom,
your overcome as king.
Hope that's sent from heaven,
and other Holy things.

A strangely Holy mission,
don't think or ask me why.
A mission I must finish,
must tell before I die.

When my mission's finished,
and done all I can do.
Gift of poems delivered,
my Father's gift to you.

A gift that's strangely wise,
a gift that's something new.
A gift that'll last forever,
a gift that's Holy too!

I'll write you Holy poems,
a message from on high.
A message I must say,
must tell before I die.

A message that's so urgent,
an urge I can't deny.
A message sent from heaven,
must tell before I die.

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

“My Father, I thank you for Blessing me with your Holy poems, and giving me strength to share them, and help your young kings grow in might; for the Gospel and the kingdom sake.

  My Father, please Bless them as they read, as I know you will. Help them, to fall in love with you and their citizens; and forever praise and thank you for it.

  I thank you my Father, for the honor of being part of your great Holy kingdom plan. I Bless you and love you for it, even now, forever more. Amen.”