Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Look around you

Look around you, what do you see?
The mass murders in Syria,
The nuclear threats in North Korea,
Do you think the world will live in peace?
Look around you, what do you see?
The disastrous typhoons in Manila,
The huge earthquakes in China,
Do you think the world will be able to survive?
Look around you, what do you see?
The bombings in Boston Marathon,
After the horrifying events of 9/11,
Do you think it’s the last explosion?
Look around you, what do you see?
Do you see your brother as an enemy?
Why can’t you bow your head,
And together we pray?
Look around you and look very clear,
Can you justify killing innocent children?
When will these terrorist attacks end?
The world needs now clean and fresh air.
Look around you, what do you see?
The world needs a guiding light in the dark,
To better be able to fight every evil mark,
In chaos, the world needs to be free.
In tragic times,
Forget about all the differences,
The world needs peace and love for everyone,
And these needs need to be done.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Lord, thank you so much for all the blessings you have provided in my life. I have so much, and I know it is all because of you. I ask you today to continue to provide me with these blessings and to provide me with the opportunities I need to continue to do your work here.
You always stand beside me. You provide me with a future full of your love, blessings, and guidance. I know that, no matter how bad things get, you will always be by my side. I know I may not see you. I know I may not feel you, but I thank You for giving us Your Word that tells us you are here.
You know my dreams, Lord, and I know it is a lot to ask to realize those dreams, but I ask that you hear my prayer of hope. I would like to think that my hopes and dreams are all part of your plans for me, but I trust that you always know better. I put my dreams in your hands to mold and fit to your will. I surrender my hopes to you. In your holy name, Amen.