Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Nights of Winter

I Had Gazed out the Window 
Of a World Turned Grey
Where Trees Took Shapes 
Of Troubled Men
Thinly Frozen Water 
Bouncing Low Rays of Sunlight
Skimming Across to No Place
Chimneys Billowing Smoky Dust
Rising into Dark Colored Skies
As Though Speaking 
To a Dreary Night-scape
Cutting Winds Chilling Air
Sun Awaiting to Rise Again
No Songbirds Here
Scavenging for What Little They May
Feathers Frilled 
Nesting among Naked Shrubs
Little Do They Know
Of Stern Relentless Fate
The Earth Is Left Tired . . . and Cold
Whisteling Winds Weary and Brief
The Ghostly Sounds of Winters Sleep
Long Casting Shadows 
Laying upon the Souls of Man
As We Curse These Days
Like Days of War
Leaving Us to Wonder and Think
Soon this Will Pass I Know
Blight of Snow and Ice will Melt
Birds Rebuilding Nests to Nurture
While Blooming Color Awaits a Thaw
Such Power of Spring Bringing New Life
Blue Sky Openings as Day Grows Long
Winter Gloom Brings Springtime Song
 Jan Bagwell
God Bless !