Monday, December 31, 2012



The Church is not a building; 
It's a body. 
It has no rooms for cleaning, 
Or a lobby. 
You cannot paint its walls -or- 
Greet in the halls. 
The Church is not a building; 
It's a body. 

The Church is not an office;
It's a body.
It's not a place for business
Or a party.
It's not where we meet -or-
Where we take a seat.
The Church is not a building;
It's a body.

The Church is not in town;
It is the City.
It's not built upon the ground
Or with money.
You can't hang up a sign
On brick, oak, or pine.
The Church is not in town;
It is the City.

The Church is the Bride;
Jesus is the Groom.
Together they abide
As new Jerusalem.

The Church is the Kingdom;
Its light is the Lord.
For us He has come,
So faithful is His Word!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !