Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Christmas Now and Them

A  memory of Christmas past and Mama and Daddy

Christmas Now And Then

Well it is December and Christmas is almost here
Another happy Christmas for family and good cheer
There will be tables loaded with turkeys, hams and sweets
We know there will be more than we could ever eat

There will be a big tree shining so bright
With beautiful decorations and pretty shiny lights
Under that tree there will be present galore
So many you would wonder how there could be anything left in the store

Christmas now is really so much fun
But gosh there is just too much for everyone
My thoughts go back to a cold Christmas long ago
To a family not blessed with riches and gold

Our little tree was kind of skimpy, with some ribbons and a few shiny balls
But to us it stood magnificent, the greatest of them all
Under that tree was a present for Larry, a present for Nadine and a present for me
And we could hardly wait as we would open them with glee

There was not a lot of fancy food on that table, times were kind of tough
But we were all happy and for us it was enough
We were so thankful as we thanked the Lord above
We knew what we had was paid for with Mamas and Daddy's hard work and love

I'm thankful that we now have so much and our blessings are many
And it is good to live in this great land of plenty
But I would gladly give every material thing that I own
To have one more Christmas with Mama and Daddy and my brother and sister at home .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Come Christmas our house will be blessed again with my children and my grandchild [Emily] and my brother and sister's children and their children . My Dad and Brother are past on . Oh how I wish they were here . I an blessed to have a wonderful sister and mother still with me . God has blessed me with so much , I hope that this Christmas , each one of you  will make great memories for yourself and your family. And remember keep Christ in Christmas !!