Monday, December 10, 2012

The Joy Of Savation

The Joy OF Salvation

"Who can bring any charge against those whom God has chose"?
That's why Christ came, died and arose.
There is no condemnation for those who bear His name,
And when we have the Savior our lives are never the same.
"Perfect love cast out all fear" and we have peace within,
We are co-heirs with Christ and cleansed from all sin.
We are to love our fellowman and show God's revealing self,
It's not to be taken lightly or put on the shelf.
We must share in the gifts He's given us to use,
We'll miss many blessings if we disobey and refuse.
God wants us to worship where Grace and Love is preached,
Where the joy of our salvation, in fullness, will be reached.
For the joy of the Lord is our strength to withstand,
And His love will carry us over into the Promised Land.
He wants His perfect love to be revealed so we can share,
And if we share in His sufferings then His Glory we can wear.
We are sanctified by the Spirit, justified by His Grace,
His Grace is sufficient until we see His face.
Christ power is made perfect in the things that we are weak,
He gives strength in our lives when His face we seek.
Jesus is Living Waters to all who come athirst,
Pouring out many blessings to those who seek Him first.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !