Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Everybody , Everywhere Needs Somebody Sometime

Everybody Everywhere Needs Somebody Sometime

Everybody ,everywhere ,no matter what the station ,

Has moments of deep loneliness and quiet desperation ,

For this lost and lonely feeling is inherent in mankind-

It is just the spirit speaking as God tries again to find

An opening in the worldly wall man build s against God’s touch ,

For he feels so self-sufficient that he does not need God much ,

So he vainly goes on struggling to find some explaination

For  these disturbing , lonely moods of inner isolation .

But the answer keeps eluding him for  in his selfish  , finite mind

He does not even recognize that he cannot ever find

The reason for life’s emptiness  unless he learns to share

The problems and the burdens that surround him everywhere .

But when his eyes are opened and he looks with love on others

He begins  to see not strangers but understanding brothers .

So open up your hardened hearts and let God enter in-

He only wants to help you a new life to begin

And every day’s a  good day to lose yourself  in others

And anytime a good time to see mankind as brothers ,

And this can only happen when you realize it’s true

That everyone needs someone and that someone is you !!!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !!