Wednesday, July 11, 2012

The Seekers


One asked a sign from God ;and day by day

The sun arose in pearl ,in scarlet set ,
Each night the stars appeared in bright array ,
Each morn the thirsting grass with dew was wet .
The corn failed not its harvest ,nor the vine .
And yet he saw no sign .

One longed to hear a prophet ;and he strayed
Through crowded streets ,and by the open sea .
He saw men send their ships for distant trade ,
And build for generations yet to be .
He saw the farmer sow his acres wide ,
But went unsatisfied .

One prayed for a sight of heaven ;
He saw a workman at his noontime rest .
He saw one dare for honor ,and the smile
Of one who held a babe upon her breast;
At dusk two lovers walking hand in hand ;
But did not understand .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !