Friday, July 13, 2012

The Water Mill

The Water Mill

Listen to the water mill ,
Through the live-long day ,
How the clanking of its wheel
Wears the hours aways !
Languidly the autumn wind
Stirs the forest leaves
From the field the reapers sing .
Binding up their sheaves ;
And a proverb haunts my mind ,
As a spell is cast :
“The mill cannot grind
with the water that is past “

Autumn winds revive no more
Leaves that once are shed ,
And the sickle cannot reap
Corn once gathered :
Flows the ruffed streamlet on,
Tranquil ,deep ,and still ,
Never gliding back again
To the water mill ;
Truly speaks the proverb old ,
With a meaning vast ,-“
“The mill cannot grind
With the water that is past .”

Take the lesson to thyself
True and loving heart ;
Golden youth is fleeting by ,
Summer hours depart ;
Learn to make the most of life ,
Lose no happy day ;
Time will never bring you back
Chances swept away !
Leave no tender word unsaid ,
Love while love shall last ;
‘The mill cannot grind
With the water that is past. “

O the wasted hours of life
That have drifted by !
O the good that might have been ,-
Lost ,without a sigh !
Love ,that we might once have saved
By a single word .
Thoughts conceived but never penned ,
Perishing unheard :-
Take the proverb to thine heart ,
Take , and hold it fast ,-
“The mill cannot grind
with the water that is past .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Landen is waiting on an operating room at GHS, needs a new shunt to drain fluid off his brain. Doctors made a hole in his skull last night to let fluid drain and Landen woke up, which is good. This is Clayton Burdette's grandson, please keep prayers going for Landen. 4 pm, July 11. Please be in Prayer for him . And sister Judy Howard !