Thursday, March 15, 2012

Ever Since Gethsemane

Ever Since Gethsemane

Ever since Gethsemane
Where Jesus walked His lonely way ,
A garden’s soft serenity
Has marked a special place to pray .

My garden knows no holiness ;
The Master’s footsteps never trod
Along these paths , yet I confess
I’ve seen His mark upon the sod .

My garden takes on special grace
And I find love and lasting peace
Within the confines of this place
As golden summer days increase .

If I should pause to meditate
And offer prayers on bended knee ,
Suddenly , by some strange fate ,
My garden is Gethsemane !!
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Brother Billy Phillips and his Mother in your Prayers . She is in very serious condition in Memorial Hospital .