Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A Just In Time Logon

A Just In Time Logon

9 pm, I logged on to the internet to to write my blog
I before I went to bed.

Before I could open my email , a friend instant messaged
me. She said, "Brother, I need to talk to you. I am about to do
something that I won't be able to regret."

My friend was about to commit suicide.

I picked her up at her place, took her to IHOP and for 3 hours
we talked.

God allowed me to share so many different things about God that
she had never heard before.

Here is what she sent me in response:

Thanks, Brother...
Interesting that you would send that email to me just then.
Because, a few minutes ago, I had a glimmer of hope that God may
really in fact be smiling at the plan that he has for me that
maybe I can't see right now.

I just got off the phone with my dad. I knew he wasn't going to
be happy about the situation, but I wanted him to at least know
that I had been responsible and have been getting my ducks in
a row. And, had I ended things last night like I had intended,
I wouldn't have had this conversation this morning.
...one rock at a time, huh?

Your sister in Christ,
A friend of mine 2 weeks ago died , I had been praying him for him for many years . I had a operation that week end .I was unable to pray for him . Would it have made a different ? The other thing , a few friends miss him . He was send to a crematory . No notice in the paper , He was poor and old . Except for his friends, nobody care where he live or died . This make me feel sad . Every person God put on this earth has worth .
Thank You ,
Jan Bagwell