Wednesday, October 17, 2012

He Shines His Light

He Shines His Light

He shines his light
Upon my life
He shines his grace on me
If it was not for him
my life would hang
Like a man hanging from a rope
I would float in darkness
My sins would over shadow me
My toil would grow great
He shines light on me
If it wasn't for him my spirit would die
I would cry a river of tears
My eyes look upon on a hill
Where angels fly and spread joy and peace
If it was not for him
I would be lead a stray
My days would be dark with gloom
My precious soul would be doomed
For it was not for him I would not be alive
I would struggle and fall to the ground
If it was not for him
My life would be stuck in limbo
He shines his light on me
To see me through
To keep me strong
And keep me from falling into
A world pool of sin
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !