Thursday, October 18, 2012

God's Poetry

What is God's poetry?

God's Poetry

When you look at the trees. you feel inner peace.
And when you see the feel blessed.
God's poetry is all around us.
To know his beautiful pictures on his great canvas is beauty to the beholder.
No fortune teller can surpass his knowledge and no painter can outdo his pictures of wonderful love.
We should all love God, for He is Truth, life and the Way!
Each day..we should praise him and give true thanks for everything He has done for us.
Indeed..God is a true poet and in the holy bible, you will find the truth and word of real meaning and love...and above all, you will feel tranquility when one day you meet God.
He is the most special spirit to admire and adore. 
And He is precious to many people.
And those that attend church meetings are doing what is right in their hearts.
Yes God is a true poet and loving toward all his children.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please be in prayer for Frankie Wilson !!  
David and Hali Bagwell  will be traveling this weekend 
Scott and Elizabeth  and Daughter Emily will be traveling this weekend 
Mary and Billy will be traveling this weekend