Thursday, September 20, 2012

Through the valley

I have been through the valley,
Of the shadow of death.
Felt I just wouldn’t make it,
I was on my last breath.

My blood pressure soared,
To a level so high.
My heart nearly failed,
I thought I would die.

My head was pounding,
I broke into a sweat.
My life it was over,
But I had no regret.

But my life wasn’t over
God had other plans.
As I cried out to Him,
He stretched out His hands.

He slowed my heart down,
Wiped the sweat from my brow.
My head stopped pounding,
I was at ease now.

My Lord He was with me,
Every step of the way.
Right through the night,
And into the day.

Don’t take life for granted,
Yesterdays in the past.
Live for the moment,
Life goes so fast.

But one things certain in this life,
Call on Him, He’s always there.
For God does hear and answer,
Every single cry and prayer.
Jan Bagwell 
God Bless