Monday, September 10, 2012

Never Lose Faith

 Never Lose Faith

In life, there is never a time when God leaves our side,
All you got to do is trust in him and the bad times will slide.
Never lose hope in God and more over in yourself,
For God has blessed everyone with a angel.
This  friend will protect you in times of distress,
He will lead you where you ought to go, 'coz he knows best.
And when you find yourself completely lost and without a clue,
Just smile my friend, and a new door will open up for you.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
In this time of electing a President , I have  notice people are being , mean spirited , and these are supposed  to be christian .But you are  a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:. So in the name of Jesus do not be one of those people who attacked others just because they are not going voting like you . Remember, we are God children and our Lord will protect us .. And the election will be over one day but what evil words that has come out your mouth will be remember . So be in love with  one another called each other brother and sister in Christ our Lord , being one family , one Lord , one faith , one mind and one accord . We all have different choices but should not let it divide us . Praise our great and most wonderful God who saved us from our sins .!!