Tuesday, October 11, 2011


If but one message I may leave behind ,
One single of courage for my kind ,
It would be this ,Oh , brother , sister ,friend ,
Whatever life may bring , what God may send ,
No matter whether clouds lift soon or late ,
Take heed and wait .

Despair may tangle darkly at your feet ,
Your faith be dimmed , and hope ,once cool and sweet ,
Be last , but suddenly above a hill ,
A heavenly lamp ,set on a heavenly sill ,
Will shine for you and point the way to go ,
How well I know .

For I have waited through the dark , and I
Have seen a star rise in the darkest sky
Repeatedly – It has not failed me yet
And I have learned God never will forget
To light his lamp . If we but wait for it ,
It will be lit .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !