Friday, September 9, 2011

He Lives In Me

He Lives In Me
He lives in me , He does ,
He guides my steps , and through His eyes
I see the beauty of the days ,
The earth , the rivers and the skies .
Throughout the stillness of the night ,
I am at peace because I feel
His presence deep within my soul ,
And never doubt that He is real .

He lives in me … what miracle ,
That made from only humble clay ,
This heart of mine can reach right up
And touch His own , each time I pray .

His ways are wiser than my own ,
And so within His loving hands ,
I place my little hopes and dreams ,
Because He truly understands .

Nor will I fear what lies ahead ,
Before His light all shadows fade ,
In his light all shadows fade ,
In His good time shall come made .
And so I need no tongue to speak ,
No ears to hear , no eyes to see ,
My needs are well provided for ,
….Because I know God lives in me !
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Have a blessed weekend !