Tuesday, September 6, 2011

He's There

He’s There
The storm of life will gather
and the bitter winds assail ,
Yet beyond the depths of anguish
is a love that cannot fail .

It’s a love that’s always with us
though at times it seems obscure ,
But there never is desertion
in a love so true and pure .

When at times you feel deserted
and you seem to walk alone ,
Try to picture God in glory
seated on the mercy throne .

Try to picture Christ at Calvary
as He hung upon the tree ,
and how lonely ,when He cried out –
“Why has Thou forsaken Me ?”

Yes , our Lord once had the feeling
That He , too ,was all alone ,
Yet , God proved that He was present
sitting on the mercy throne .

Satan often tries to trick us
Into thinking God’s not there ,
But if Calvary’s our example ,
He is closest in despair .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Remember our God care about everything in our life’s .
If you want something , pray in faith. And if it God will you will have it .
Please remember in pray , David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , my mother Hazel Bagwell , Frankie Wilson , Mary Carpenter , Judy Howard .