Thursday, February 17, 2011

Pick Three Me Up

Pick Thee Me Up

Pick Thee Me Up

That's another one of Josees' expressions.

Josees is my two-year-old son.

He doesn't have perfect syntax. Even that simple statement
requires an ear trained in babyonics to understand.

Pick thee me up!

He says it as he stands in front of me with his outstretched
arms and a pleading in his eyes and voice.

Pick thee me up!
Pick thee me up!
Pick thee me up!

Over and over he pleads until sooner or later he's picked up,
giving both of us relief.

He is smart enough to recognize the father.
He is smart enough to know that the father can lift him out of
his situation.
He is smart enough to keep pleading until his plea is heard.

Whenever he is frustrated, whenever he is afraid, whenever he
feels alone, whenever he needs rest, whenever he needs,
he asks the father to "Pick thee me up."

It is a lesson that we all would do well to learn,
for we all have a heavenly father.

We all, sooner or later need to call upon him.

We all need to say. . .

Pick thee me up!

Josees was named after Joses, the brother of Jesus.

There were times when Jesus had to call on his father, and say,
"Pick thee me up."

So will you.

(1 Cor 6:14) And God hath both raised up the Lord,
and will also raise up us by his own power.

Pick Thee Me Up

Thank you , Donna Durham for this Letter
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please pray For Dillon Lollis is the 12 year old with serious vision issues.
Billy Bolton is in his late 40s with blood clots in his heart and lungs. He under went emergency surgery last night – they said it went as well as could be expected, but he is in God’s hands now. It was a massive blood clot and they could not get all of it.Please pray for Betty , Mary Carpenter sister ,and Mary for strength to be able to go through this with her sister .