Thursday, January 13, 2011

Let It Be Said

Let It Be Said
May I go on record as
One whose grateful lips have tasted
Of the sweetest nature has ,
On whose eyes no day was wasted .
May these humble ears be noted ,
For the melodies they heard ,
Pouring from the golden throated
Robin and the Mocking bird .

In the faded pages of
The musty volume of the years ,
Beneath the chapter labeled Love ,
Inscribe my smiles but not my tears .
List my name among the lowly ,
Lest this heart be puffed with pride ,
All that’s good and all that’s holy ,
Will not justly be denied .

These two feet were made to travel ,
Down whatever road He leads ,
And these two hands to unravel
Tender bloom from bitter weed .
Mine the pen , but His the phrases ,
And whatever these have stirred ,
Be it naught save what upraises
Each man closer to the Lord .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !