Friday, December 30, 2011

The Road Of Life

The Road of Life
One day as I was climbing up
The road of life to home ,
I met a stranger coming down
With countenance sad and lone .

I had no time to help him then
I feared ‘twould mean delay ;
With guilty heart I turned aside –
I dared not look his way .

To still my heart I hurried on ,
And then I heard a sigh ,
I turned and looked , and then I saw
A teardrop in his eye .

Forgetting time I spoke to him ,
To share with him my cup ,
“Dear friend , I fear you’re going down
When you should be going up “

With piteous look he turned to me ,
“How I turn around ?
For with this load upon my back
I can hardly make it down .”

The joyful news I gladly told
Of Christ who died for him
To take away the load he had
If he would let Him in .

A gleam of hope came to face ,
The tears began to flow ,
The load of sin dropped from his back ,
His face began to glow ,

And now he travels the road of life –
Not down, but going up;
To see the glow upon his face
Has more than filled my cup

O Lord ,forgive the times I’ve passed
A stranger on life’s road ,
Not taking time to dry the tears ,
Nor helping lift the load .
And give me wisdom , Lord I pray ,
That comes down from Thy throne
That I might by Thy help and grace
Lead some poor wanderer Home
Jan Bagwell
God Bless