Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Happy New Year !

Happy New Year
Throughout the New Year
And each step of the way ,
May Christ be your portion ,
Your joy , and your stay ,
With God’s precious percepts
Your daily delight ,
To lead and encourage
In paths that are right .

“The Lord is my Shepherd”
How precious the word !
He’ll lead in green pastures ,
His promise we’ve heard ,
“ Beside the still waters ,”
What comfort and rest !
What peace there is found
Leaning on Jesus ‘ breast!

His goodness any mercy
Each day may you prove ,
His comforting presence ,
His infinite love !
With richest compassions
Each morning anew ,
May multiplied meries
Be showered on you .

“My cup runneth over ,”
His grace so abounds ,
That fullest enjoyment
In Jesus is found .
“The Lord is my portion “
This may your soul say ,
And you will be happy
Each step of the way .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless