Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Autumn Quest

Autumn Quest
The maples wore dresses of amber and scarlet ,
The sky clutched a silken shawl silver and grey ,
The wind left a spicy scent trailing behind her ,
And I knew at a glance it was Autumn today .
Far in the distance , the cry of the blackbirds ,
Winging their way over wide fields of brown ,
Hazy blue wood-smoke curled up from the dry leaves ,
As Autumn appeared on the outskirts of town ,
And with a footfall light as a whisper ,
Making her way over thicket and fence ,
Pensively gazing with wide eyes about her ,
Down went the last bar of Summer’s defense .
Chancing upon her , my lonely quest ended ,
And warmed by her welcome , I’ve followed her since .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please go to a church of your choice tonight , and thank God for our many blessing !