Wednesday, September 14, 2011

A New Day

A New Day

How lovely the sunrise and cool morning breeze
As silvers of sunlight silt through the trees .

The shadows are yawning about to depart ;
A new day is dawning ready to start .

The clouds are aglow with purples and red
As the moon and the stars crawl into bed .

A chorus of songbirds are singing a hymn
Praising the Master upon every limb .

The roses are drenched with cool morning dew ,
Each petal a diamond of lavender hue .

The curtains of heaven are changing to blue ….
A new day is dawning …waiting for you .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell
Every day ,Our lovely God give us is a blessing .
Please be in prayer for David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , Mary Carpenter and Frankie Wilson and Judy Howard