Thursday, September 15, 2011

For Being Kind

For Being Kind
Of the many friends I’ve treasured –
Those who’ve lived the longest time
Are the ones who were the kindest
With their gifts of heart and mind;
Never selfish; Never greedy ;
Never sparing loving care ;
Always sharing of their harvests ;
And the fortunes of their prayers.

They were always busy people –
Helping others with their needs-
And , forever ,sowing kindness
In their acts of Christian deeds;
None were, ever, rich or noble –
Or possessed of master minds ;
They were only humble people ,
God had blessed for being kind .
God Bless !
Jan Bagwell

Please be in prayer for David and Hali Bagwell , Scott and Elizabeth and Emily Bagwell , Mary Carpenter and her sister child and Frankie Wilson and Judy Howard ,Jan Bagwell