Monday, July 11, 2011

Shut in with God

Shut in with God
So many things I cannot do
That once were my delight ,
From picnics on a sandy beach
To walks through fog at night.

I cannot stroll along the street ,
Nor through a shady grove
To seek the wild bird’s nesting place
And nature’s treasure-trove .

I cannot sail the restless sea ,
Nor ramble through the hills
Nor can I coast down snowy slopes
With heart-disturbing thrills

So many things I cannot do
Since I’m shut in at home .
“Shut in with God ,” and , praise His name ,

For I can reach the throne of grace
While seated in my chair ,
Because He has bestowed on us
The privilege of prayer .

And He has etched upon my heart
His promises to me ,
Of peace and comfort better far
Than joys that used to be .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless