Monday, June 13, 2011

The Soul Of a Child

The Soul of a Child

“Each day we are carving , not upon stone or marble , but upon the lives of precious young boys and girls ; therefore be careful with what tools you carve and how you use them.”

The soul of a child is the loveliest flower
That grows in the garden of God
Its climb is from weakness to knowledge and power ,
To the sky from the clay and clod .
To beauty and sweetness it grows under care ,
Neglected , ‘tis ragged and wild .
“Tis plant that is tender , but wondrously rare,
The sweet , wistful soul of a child .
Be tender , O garner , and give it its share
Of moisture , of warmth , and of light ,
And let it not lack for the pains-taking care ,
To protect it from frost and from blight .
A glad day will come when its bloom shall unfold ,
It will seem that an angel has smiled ,
Reflecting a beauty and sweetness untold
In the sensitive soul of a child .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Remember sister Mary Carpenter in your prayers , she still sick .