Thursday, May 26, 2011

The Pathway

The Pathway
When I came to the foot
Of the cross ,dear Lord ,
I was beaten , and worn ,and tired ;
You lifted with Your loving arms
And left me , encouraged inspired …
When I longed to give up
By the side of the road ,
You taught me to love , any to pray …

To live and have faith
In Your wonderful grace
In a strangely sweet infinite way …
And , oh , how I praise Thee ,
My Savior and Lord ,
For the tears and the heartache I knew ;
The pain and the sorrows were all
Part of a plan ,
And the pathway that led me to you !
Jan Bagwell
God Bless
Please remember David and Hali Bagwell ,
Hazel Bagwell , Jan Bagwell , Mary Carpenter , Betty Hill , Judy Howard , in Prayer