Monday, May 23, 2011

The End was not nigh


People had feared the dawn of the millennium
As the anticipated chaos were not going to be minimum
The so-called end seemed to rapidly draw nigh
And so cold the bodies became, with fear rapidly growing high.

This world is full of deception
This world is filled with pessimism
People are filled with gloom
Those who believe in doom.

News headlines would read,
Y2k to pose a major threat to humanity
Oh what a deceit!
Is this the end time ministry?
Or is this the mystery of iniquity.

Had the alarm bells rung so loudly in Tyre and Sidon
Surely, they would have lived to tell us their story
The end is yet to come
The end was not nigh.

We are no better than the Sodomites
We are no sacred cows to deserve preferential treatment
We cannot be told the exact day of the end of the time.

The aftermath is the sudden twist of events
News headlines read;
the world experiences a smooth rollover to Y2K
We realize someone was pulling our legs
But let's not relax,
lest the day of the Lord comes to us as a thief.

This poem has nothing to do with physical fitness
It is much ado about mental alertness
It is a voice of social concern
It is an observation of spiritual commitment.

Vain imaginations have to be condemned
Untangled thinking has to be established
Brainstorming of poor souls has to be eliminated
Victimization of human emotions has to be put to an end
Of course, the end is drawing nigh
But the end was not that nigh.

I remonstrate for emancipation from fear of the unknown
Let me not be labeled a doubting Thomas
Signs of the times have to be prognosticated
The dawn of y2k was not the end
The course of y2k did not bring the end.

Humankind has to be relieved of this insuperable anxiety,
Trepidation which the anticipated end always bring
This is the voice of one crying in the wilderness
The Holy Scriptures have to be diligently searched
The man of God has to be thoroughly furnished unto all good works,
That the drawing nigh of the end can be envisaged
Yes, the end is sure to come
But, no! The end was not nigh.

The End Was Not Nigh
jan bagwell
God Bless
Please pray for Ms Mary Carpenter ,