Thursday, May 5, 2011

My Mother's Prayer

My Mother’s Prayers
“ Among the treasured pictures
that I’ll hung on memory’s wall ,
There’s one that’s clearer than the rest
And sweeter far than all :
“Tis a picture of my mother
When I was a little chap ,
Folded in her loving arms ,
To slumber on her lap ;

I felt her hands caress my head ,
I heard her solfly say
“Dear Jesus ,take this little life
And use it every day .”
There must have been a mighty weight
Behind that simple prayer ,
For through the seasons , year on year ,
The picture lingers there ,

And whether I’m on hill or plain
On the deep blue sea ,
The memory of that sacred scene
Forever comforts me ;
Among the treasured pictures
That I’ve hung on memory’s wall .
My mother’s supplication
Is the sweetest one of all .”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Liza Henson in your prays and Sister Donna Cassell , wife of Brother Joe Cassell , died of cancer last night , she is the sister of brother Ken Johnson . And my childhood friends although years .