Tuesday, April 26, 2011

The Pastor's Wife

The Pastor’s Wife
In the shadow of the parsonage
Stands a figure often obscure ,
Just behind the faithful pastor
Is his wife ,devout and pure .
She is with him every moment
Helping make his work progress,
And you can’t discount her portion
In his measure of success .
Often behind the scene of action ,
Often never seen or heard ,
Yet she stands forever ready
Just to give a helping word .
It is not in active service
That her worthies really shown ,
But in bearing heavy burdens
That to others are unknown.
With encouragement and vision
She must urge God’s servant on ,
When the shadows are the darkest
And his courage’s almost gone .
With her home forever open
And her work quite never done ,
She is ever his lieutenant
In the battles fought and won .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Thank you ladies for the jobs you do . And thanks to the Pastors and their wives .