Monday, April 25, 2011

One Week

One Week

Last week, a young man in the shipping department asked to take
some time off from work. His wife's grandmother had passed, and
he and his family were driving up north to the funeral.
She passed on the 8th of this month.

I talked with the young man today and asked him how things went.

"You know we went to the funeral for my wife's grandmother and
while we were there, her grandfather died also. She died on the
8th and he died on the 14th. He died 20 minutes after the viewing
of the body at the funeral home. They buried them both at the
same funeral, and they buried them in the same grave,
one on top of the other."

They had been married over 50 years.

The events had the appearance of tragedy, yet I saw something
greater..This letter was found later , He had wrote this letter to her to his wife ,years before . This is true story . I copy it word for word from the letter

My Dearest Daring
"If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred minus one day,
so that I never have to live without you."

That's real marriage. That's real love. It's stuff that most
will only read about in romance novels. Few live it, few feel
it, fewer still would die for it.

Few people realize that to truly achieve a love like that,
you do have to die. You have to die to self.

The grandfather simply couldn't make it one week without his
love. Or maybe, she had already said to him:

"If you live to be a hundred,
I want to live to be a hundred minus one week,
so that I never have to live a week without you."
Thank you . Papa Porter , Though you were just a friend , Dad , You left a mark on my soul . That happen 15 years ago , but I still had the letter he wrote .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Praise God !