Thursday, March 10, 2011

The Father's Hand

The Father’s Hand
While through this changing world below
I would not choose my path to go ;
‘Tis Father’s hand that leadeth me ,
Then O how safe His child must be .

Sometimes we walk in sunshine bright ,
Sometimes in darkness of night ;
Sometimes the way I cannot see
But Father’s hand still leadeth me ,

Sometimes there seems no way to take ,
But Father’s hand a way doth make ,
Sometimes I hear Him gently say ,
“Come follow Me , this is the way “

Why should I mind the way I go?
His way is best for me , I know ,
He is my strength , my truth , my way
He is my comfort , rod , and stay .

So on we travel hand in hand ,
Bound for the heavenly promised land
Always through all Eternity ,
I’ll praise His name for leading me .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless