Wednesday, February 9, 2011

If I Had Prayed

If I Had Prayed
Perhaps the day would not have seemed so long ,
The skies would not have seemed so gray ,
If on my knees in humble prayer
I had begun the day .
Perhaps the fight would not have seem so hard-
Prepared , I might have faced the fray
If I had been alone with Him ,
Upon my knees , to pray

Perhaps I might have cheered a broken heart ,
Or helped a wander on the way ,
If I had asked to be a light
To some dark soul today .
I would remember just the pleasant things .
The harsh words that I meant to say
I would forget , if I prayed
When I began the day.

I think I could have met life’s harder trails
With-hopeful heart and cheerful smile
If I had spoken with my Lord
Just for a little while .
And if I pray , I find that all goes well,
All care at His dear feet is laid :
My heart is glad - the load is light
Because I first have prayed ,
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember Liza Henson she need a miracle from God she has cancer . Mary Carpenter sister same thing . There is so many poeple that need God help. Please pray for these people and for those around you .