Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The House Inside

The House Inside
I have a house inside of me ;
A house that people never see ;
It has a door through which none pass ,
And windows ,but they’re not of glass .

“Where do you live ! asks folks I meet ,
And then I say,”On such a street;”
But still I know what’s really me ,
Lives in a house folks never see .

Sometimes I like to go inside ,
And hide and hide and hide and hide ,
And “doctor up “ wounded pride
When I’ve been treated rough” outside .

And sometimes , when I’ve been to blame
I go indoors and blush for shame ;
And get my mind in better frame ,
And get my tongue and temper tame .

I meet my heavenly Father there ;
For He stoops down to hear my prayer
To smooth my brow and cure my care
And make me brave to do and dare .

Then , after I have been made strong ,
And have things right that were all wrong ,
I come outside , where I belong .
To sing a new and happy song .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
When the morning light you see ,
Don’t forget to kneel and pray ;
Ask the Lord to walk with thee ,
Every moment of the day .