Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Quite Suddenly

Quite Suddenly
Quite suddenly – it may be at the turning of
a lane ,
Where I stand to watch a skylard from out
the swelling grain,
That the trump of God shall thrill me , with
its call so loud and clear,
And I’m called away to meet Him , whom
of all I hold most dear .
Quite suddenly – it may be as I tread the
busy street ,
Strong to endure life’s stress and strain ,its
every call to meet .
That through the roar of traffic , a trumpet ,
silvery clear ,
Shall stir my startled senses and proclaim
his coming near .
Quite suddenly – it may be in His house I
bend my knee ,
When the kingly voice ,long hoped for ,
comes at last to summon me ;
And the fellowship of earth-life that has
seemed so passing sweet ,
Proves nothing but the shadow of our
meeting round His feet .
Quite suddenly –it may be as I lie in
dreamless sleep ,
God’s gift to many a sorrowing heart ,
with no more tears to weep ,
That a call shall break my slumber and a
Voice sound in my ear ;
“Rise up , My love and come away !
Behold the Bridegroom’s here !”
Jan Bagwell
God Bless !
Please remember the Prayer request Betty Holcombe has cancer , Judy Pangborn has needs , and remember Mary Carpenter , Betty is her sister . And remember Jesus said ,” I will be with you always . “ I just like say ,” Praise God , Praise God , Praise God “