Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Judged Not Worthy

Judged Not Worthy

A voyaging ship was wrecked during a storm at sea and only two
survivors were able to make it to the shore of a small deserted
island. With no idea what else to do they agreed they had no
recourse but to pray to God. However, they were divided as to
whose prayer would be more effectual. They agreed finally to
divide the island between them and stay each to his own side of
the island.

The first thing they prayed for was food. The next morning, the
first man saw a fruit-bearing tree on his side of the island,
and thus he ate. The other man's parcel of the island remained
barren, and thus he remained hungry.

After a couple of days the first man became lonely so he prayed
for a wife. The next day another ship wrecked and the lone
survivor, a woman swam to his side of the island. The other man
remained without a companion.

Next, the first man prayed for a house, clothes and more food.
The next day all of these miraculously appeared. However the
other man still had nothing.

Finally the first man prayed for rescue for he and his wife.
In the morning there was a ship docked on his side of the
island. He and his wife boarded the ship and left the other man
behind. As the ship was pulling away from the island a voice
from heaven boomed out,

"Why are you leaving that other man on the island?"

The man replied, "Well, Lord, I figured the blessings I prayed
for were mine, and since apparently none of his prayers were
answered he mustn't be worthy."

The Lord rebuked him saying, "Oh my son you are so mistaken, for
you see he only had one prayer, which I answered fully. If not
for that you would not have received the richness of blessings
that you have, you owe him everything."

"Tell me", the man asked, "what did he pray for that I should
give him anything?"

The Lord replied,
"He prayed that all of your prayers would be answered."

Jan Bagwell
God Bless !

Please remember Judy Hward for special needed . Please remember Mary Carpenter sister . and pray for those around you