Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Life's Fairest Flower

Life’s Fairest Flower
I have a garden within my soul
Of wondrous beauty rare
Wherein the blossoms of all my life
Bloom ever in splendor fair .
The fragrance and charm of that garden
Where all of life’s flowers bloom ,
Fill my aching heart with sweet content,
And banish failure,s gloom .
Each flower a message is bringing ,
A mem’ry of someone dear ,
A picture of deepest devotion ,
Dispelling all doubt and fear .
Amid all this beauty and splendor ,
One flower stands forth as queen-
Alone in her dazzling beauty,
Alone but ever supreme ,
This flower of love and devotion ,
Has guided me all thru life ,
Softening my grief and my sorrow ,
Sharing my toil and my strife .
This flower has helped me to conquer
Temptation so black and grim
And led me to victory and honor ,
Over my enemy –sin
I have vainly sought in my garden ,
Thru blossoms of love and light ,
For a flower of equal wonder ,
To compare with this one so bright .
But ever Iv’e met with failure ,
My search has been in vain-
For never a flower existed ,
Like the blossom I can claim .
For after years I now can see ,
A,mid life’s roses and rue ,
God’s greatest gift – to a little child ,
It was our Darling mothers .
Jan Bagwell