Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Senior Living

Senior Living

O Lord my God, I will give you thanks forever. --Psalm 30:12

There was once a talented young man who needed one more course to graduate college, so he relentlessly pursued his professor in hopes that he would grant him an independent study course in writing. The student expressed that he would be eternally grateful if the professor would just follow through with this one request — even though it involved extra work on the teacher's part.

Finally, the college dean agreed to the idea, but it proved to be a headache for the professor. The student skipped appointments, missed deadlines, and rejected the professor's evaluations of his writing. The young man even turned in the last assignment just hours before graduation. After all the strings that were pulled for him, you'd think the student would have been a little more grateful to the professor. But he never expressed one word of thanks!

Most of us don't ever want to be that kind of selfish, ungrateful person. Instead, it should be our goal to follow after the example of David. When David was caught up in trouble, he called out to the Lord for help (see Psalm 28:1-2). And after God delivered him from those trying times, David gave Him the thanks He deserved (see Psalm 28:6-7). In fact, all throughout the book of Psalms, David's heart and attitude of gratitude is very evident.

Do you have an ungrateful response to the Lord's graciousness? Do you beg for mercy and deliverance, only to forget what the Lord did for you once you're free from tribulation? Or do you strive to be like David who unceasingly expressed his thanks to God for His goodness?

PRAYER CHALLENGE: Ask the Lord to show you if there is someone whose kindness you've taken for granted. Pray that the Lord would reveal to you how you can show that person gratitude today. And thank God for His goodness and mercy.