Thursday, August 26, 2010

Superfical vs. Spiritual wisdom

Superficial vs. Spiritual Wisdom
1 Corinthians 2:12-13
Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit that is from God, so that we may understand the gifts bestowed on us by God. And we speak of these things in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual things to those who are spiritual.
All this week, I've been wrestling with these words of 1 Corinthians 2:6-16.
Initially, what Paul is saying seems so illusive, so erudite, so remote from the practical problems with which we struggle that I was tempted to jump over this passage and move on to chapter 3. However, We do not have the luxury of skipping over tough passages. Also, I sensed a still, small, inner voice urging me to keep on, saying, "Dig into that text, Jan. Don't rob its tremendous truth from your people, when I am so close to giving you an intellectual and spiritual breakthrough of understanding."
The breakthrough came for me when I backed off from these eleven verses, taking a look at them in the context of what had come before and what is to follow. It suddenly dawned on me that Paul is in the process of presenting a progressive argument that would touch the hearts and minds of fellow believers whose attitudes and lifestyles are not living up to the profession of faith which is theirs.
So let's make a quick review.
He opens his letter reminding them of his authority as an apostle called by the will of God. He also reminds them that they are called to be saints "together."
He wishes them grace and peace. His choice of these words as he opens his letter was not designed to carry heavy theological freight. He was simply wishing them what any civilized, socialized person would wish to a group of friends, a gracious and peaceful existence. He knew that they had become divided. He was pained by the elitism with which some prided themselves in being followers of himself or Apollos or Peter or Christ.
Instead of putting them down with his initial comments, he expresses thanks to God for them. He does not rule them out of the Kingdom of God because of their carnal, less than spiritual, sinful activities. He embraces them as brothers and sisters in Christ. He tells them how, even though he's been away from them for many months now in Ephesus, he always gives thanks to God for the generosity with which He had showered upon him: grace; riches; spiritual gifts; blamelessness; and divine faithfulness.
Wouldn't you agree this is an adult way of going about business? He is not manipulating them with shame. He is using affirmation, acknowledging some very positive elements that mark their Christian life and experience.
Now he is able to confront one of the biggest issues, one that he would come back to again and again later in this letter. He appeals to them as brothers and sisters in Christ to put aside their divisions and stand united around the person of Jesus Christ. He begs them to quit "doing their own thing." He understands human nature. He knows how easy it is for people to revert back to their own natural prejudices and former lifestyles when they get out of fellowship with the Lord.
He can understand why some would be proud followers of him. After all, they were Gentiles whom he had led to Christ and assured them that they didn't have to become Jewish proselytes, obedient to the details of the Old Testament law. He could understand how some with fairly sophisticated Jewish upbringing would love the eloquent, allegorical teachings of brilliant Apollos from Alexandria. He could understand how some of the more conservative Jews would confess Jesus to be the Messiah but take their theological directions straight from Peter at Jerusalem, whose articulation of the Gospel tended to come out of a more Hebrew mindset. And he could even understand the ultimate elitism of those rugged individualists who functioned with the spiritual snobbery that is content to own no human leader but instead claims a direct pipeline to Jesus the Messiah.
Paul disavows any endeavor to encourage party factionalism and points to the cross of Jesus Christ as a rallying point that would bring everyone together in Christian unity. He writes, "For Christ did not send me to baptize but to proclaim the gospel, and not with eloquent wisdom, so that the cross of Christ might not be emptied of its power. For the message about the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God" (1 Corinthians 1:17-18).
With this, he confronts the issue. The issue is not that the word of the cross is "moronic" to those who have not repented of sin and received Jesus Christ as Savior. It was that to the nonbeliever. Can you think of anything more "foolish" than to say God became man, nailed to the cross, and, through His life, death and resurrection, the forgiveness of sins is offered? Nonetheless, that's the very essence of the Gospel. What is foolishness to some is that which is of ultimate significance to those of us whose eyes have been opened to the reality of God's love and grace. The word of the cross is the power of God to those of us who have trusted Jesus Christ alone for salvation.
Jan Bagwell
God Bless!

Please remember Madelyn Renee Price in your prayers.