Friday, July 2, 2010

July 4th

July 4th

During this special time of the year
The corn is usually knee-high,
The watermelons are juicy
As flags wave proudly in the sky!

Families are enjoying picnics
Eating Hot dogs and Apple pie;
They are celebrating Freedom
On this day, the Fourth of July.

Birds are singing, freedom bells ringing,
June bugs are darting in their flight.
Folk gather wherever they can
To watch fireworks light up the night.

Worshippers gather throughout the land
Gladly sing patriotic songs.
Millions express their gratitude
For their families and their homes.

The smell of someone’s barbecuing
Is carried on a summer breeze.
Hear the crack of the baseball bat!
Kids cheerfully play “hide and seek”.

Hey listen, here comes the ice cream man,
He’s making his way down the street!
Women wave, men tip their hats,
Children are filled with joyful glee.

Andy Griffith still entertains us,
The flag still brings tears to our eyes!
People walk a little taller
On this day, the Fourth of July

Colors red white and blue remind us
Of the great price of being free.
Thank God for the sacrifices
Made to purchase our liberty!

So, Happy Birthday, America!
Your flag we will proudly lift high!
Thank God for you, America
On this day, the Fourth of July

Jan Bagwell
God Bless and be safe