Tuesday, June 29, 2010

How Great the yield from a Fertile Field

How Great the Yield from a Fertile Field
The farmer plows through of fields of green
And the blade of the plow is sharp and keen ,
But the seed must be sown to bring forth grain ,
For nothing is born without suffering and pain ,
And God never plows in the soul of man
Without intention and purpose and plan.
So whenever you feel the plow’s sharp blade
Let not your heart be sorely afraid ,
For , like the farmer , God chooses a field
From which He expects an excellent yield ,
So rejoice though your heart is broken in two ,
God seeks to bring forth a rich harvest in you.
Jan Bagwell

Humble yourselves therefore under the mighty hand of God, that in due time he may exalt you . Cast all your anxieties on him , for he cares about you
1 Peter 5:6,7