Thursday, June 10, 2010

Look on the Sunny Side

There always two sides ,
the good and the bad ,
The dark and the light ,
the sad and the glad,
But in looking back over
of good and the bad
We’re aware of the number
of the good things we had .
And in counting our blessings
we find when we’re through
We’ve no reason at all
to complain or be blue ,
So thank God for good things
He already done ,
And be grateful to Him
for the battles you’ve won ,
And know that the same God
who help you before
Is ready and willing
to help you once more .
Then with in your heart
reach out for God’s hand
And accept what He sends
though you can’t understand ,
For our Father in haven
always know what is best,
And if you trust in His wisdom
your life will be blessed ,
For always remenber
that whatever betide you
You are never alone
for God is beside you.
Jan Bagwell

If you keep my commandments ,
you will abide in my love, just as
I have kept my Father’s commandment
and abide in his love . These things I have
spoken to you ,that my joy be in you ,and
that your joy may be full .
John 15 :10,11