Monday, May 10, 2010

When Mother Prayed

When Mother Prayed
I think that I shall never see ,
This side of God’s eternity ,
A scene as lovely as the one
Which met my gaze when day was done .
In childhood years of long ago ;
My mother sings, ‘tis sweet and low ,
Her face with love is all aglow ,she turns the pages of God’s Word ,
Her tender heart is deeply stirred.
She kneels ,she prays ,Oh ,what a prayer!
I listen, lingering on the stair –
“God bless my boy “-I hear my name ,
and there ,within my heart , a flame
Begins to burn –‘tis burning yet .
That hour I never shall forget !
My Mother dear ,at even kneels ,
And prays for me . This morn there steals
A ray of warmth into my heart ,
And now , like her , from cares apart ,
I pray . Her prayers still follow me –
A torch ,and by its gleam I see
My home across the crystal sea .
Jan Bagwell
God Bless all Our Mother’s