Monday, August 17, 2009

worry no more God know the Score

Worry No More !
God Know the Score

Have you ever been caught
In a web you didn’t weave ,
Involved in conditions
that are to believe ?
Have you felt you must speak
And explain and deny
A story that’s groundless
Or a small ,whispered lie ?
Have you heard rumors
You would like to refute
Or some telltale gossip
You would like to depute ?
Well, don’t be upset ,
For God knows the score
And with God your judge
You need worry no more ,
For men may misjudge you
But God’s verdict is fair ,
For He looks deep inside
And He is clearly aware
Of every small detail
In your matter of living
And always He lenient
And fair and forgiving ---
And knowing that God
Is your judge and your jury
Frees you completely
From man’s falseness and fury ,
And secure in this knowledge
Let your thoughts rise above
Man’s small , shallow judgments
That are so empty of
God’s goodness in greatness
In judging all men
And forget ugly rumors
And be happy again.
Jan Bagwell