Thursday, August 20, 2009

The set tree

The Set Tree

It takes love to set a tree –
Love for each twig and branch we see ,
Love for the beautiful God has made –
To clear the ground and use the spade .

It takes happiness to set a tree
With a heart so full of joy and glee ,
For no one could be otherwise
As he digs and looks to the skies .

It takes contentment to set a tree –
Content with all there is to be ,
For who could be dissatisfied
With anything that therein lies .

It takes courage to set a tree –
Courage to use the things we see
Instead of wishing for some sprier
Go to the woods and it is there.

It takes faith to set a tree –
Faith in all that comes from Thee,
For what assurance does one give
Or guarantee that it will live ?

IT takes hope to set a tree –
Hope that one will live to see
Some good thing that in it shows
As it looks to God and grows
Jan bagwell
Please be in prayer for Sister Linda Easlic , she is in St Francis Hosp having a catherization . Lord Jesus , we thamk you for her ,and we pray your healing power will be unpon her.