Saturday, March 14, 2009

Where Our Needs Are Met

John 20:15-18

Throughout the Bible, we see God reaching out to His creation in an effort to save and restore. Of course, nowhere is this more evident than in the New Testament and especially in the Gospels through the life of His Son.

Jesus came to earth to seek and save those that were spiritually lost and bound by sin. By His own profession, He makes this clear when He tells His disciples that He did not come to judge mankind, but to save the lost from an eternal death. (John 3:17)

Often we are tempted to think that God is too caught up in the details of the universe to be concerned about our problems. But this is not true. Jesus was and still is totally interested in the lives of each one of us.

Even after His crucifixion, His intimate concern was for those He loved. One example of this is the compassion He had for Mary as she searched for Him at the empty tomb. Jesus had not yet ascended to the Father. He witnessed Mary's deep sorrow and was moved with compassion. "Mary!" Jesus called out to her.

"Rabboni!" which means "Teacher!" was her reply. When she saw the Lord she knew her prayers had been answered. Jesus was alive! This was her greatest need - to know that what He had promised was true.

What is your greatest need? Call out to the Savior, and He will meet that need.